The Lougheed Wellness Centre is located inside the Fitness 2000 Athletic Club. The address is 9304 Salish Court in Burnaby. When you enter the building, follow the signs for Fitness 2000 and let the friendly staff at the reception desk know that you are looking for the Lougheed Wellness Centre. It’s a unique location and can be tricky to find the first time!
Free Parking:
Complimentary parking is available to all clients. Parking lots are located off Salish Court and off Erikson Drive.
Upon arrival, take note of your license plate number. Let our receptionist know your plate number for 3 hours of complimentary parking.
All Lougheed Wellness Centre clients are welcome to stay after appointment and use the Fitness 2000 gym/pool facilities for free (we will give you a one-time pass). Please be sure to wear clothing that will be easy to move in.
If you have any questions, please just give us a call!

Lougheed Wellness Centre

9304 Salish Court, Burnaby, BC, V3J 7C5

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